Hupačasath Council
I launched into this role with the motivation to bring meaningful projects, empower health and wellbeing, for our people to find belonging, remember how we’re all connected, and what it means to be Hupačasath… Succeeding in the current systems is incredibly challenging. It’s not individuals at fault, but a dysfunctional system, dramatically exacerbating current issues.

Our Land, Our Future
Perhaps if we have not done so already, it is time to rethink how we see wealth, as more than immediate economic prosperity, but a future that is sustainable, and contributing to the health of our people.

Themes of Honour, Love, and Respect
Honour, love, and respect are values I’ve gained through life experiences, and they’re principles that are prevalent in my everyday life.

My Name Is
I’m a dreamer…a visionary, and this inspires me to be creative. To express my creativity I’ve decided to use this blog as a platform. Extending my love and respect to you I want to share with you some of these special moments in life.
Throughout this journey together I want to share with you vulnerability. I want to share with you laughter, learning and growth. And I want to share with you the beauty of life and the world we live in.

Find Yourself in Nature
During this moment I was at peace. I became filled with bliss and calm, and reflected with clarity and gratitude about the semester that had passed, the completion of my degree, and my future ahead.

Nature’s Impact on You
I’ve learned about the value of nature and its relation to human well-being from my UVic studies in environmental studies, climate change and public health, environmental psychology, and other courses with an environmental component.
From my experiences hiking mountains of old-growth rainforests, breathing in the salty air sailing by the beach, or simply engaging all the senses as I immerse myself in the moment with nature surrounding me, I have felt its powerful and vital impact on well-being.

A Jolting Re-entry: Reverse Culture Shock
After 6 months of travel in Australia and New Zealand, I’ve been back in Canada now for nearly a month. I’d be lying if I said that upon my return some things did not feel completely weird and foreign.

Concluding my Study Abroad in Australia
After a riveting mid-semester break, we were now back in Surfer’s Paradise, a place where I’d already spent the past 2.5 months, and only had 1.5 more months left to explore.
Time was flying by so quickly, and with only a month and a half left it was time to make every moment count!

Spring Break in Australia, A 10-day Road Trip! (Part 2)
Today was the day! I’d been eagerly anticipating this dive for a few days and now it was time to dive the SS Yongala Shipwreck!
We quickly packed up our things and made our way to the docks. Soon we were on our way to the vast stretches of the ocean towards this famous dive site.

Spring Break in Australia, A 10-day Road Trip! (Part 1)
“Aaaaand….. done! I finished my final assignment before Spring Break and we were on the train towards Brisbane to catch our flight to Cairns. 🙂 We arrived at our hostel late that evening and quickly settled in for the night to prepare for a big day at the Great Barrier Reef!”

Preparations for Mid-Semester Break in Australia!
Tomorrow begins the trip I have been highly anticipating and many of us exchange students have been working towards. With a lot of planning, everything is now settled for an amazing 10-day trip beginning from our flight to Cairns and our eventual return to Gold Coast via car.
Along the way we anticipate diving, beaches, rain forests, camping, and sailing. There is one final assignment I must complete before we catch our flight, but the time is near! Look forward to sharing soon!

Diving into Australia: Adventures in Studying Abroad (Part 2)
There are so many beautiful and amazing things that have happened while here on exchange in Australia. It’s hard to summarize! I feel blessed and am incredibly grateful for the all the beauty I’ve experienced. Life is full of opportunity and the world is open for so many new experiences!

Diving into Australia: Adventures in Studying Abroad (Part 1)
Absolutely incredible… How do I even begin to share about my experiences in Australia so far?!
In awe and wonder, I am so pleased about deciding to embark upon this journey. I’m embracing new challenges and gaining valuable insight into new perspectives, learning more about the world around me, and myself.

Why Study Abroad?
Learning about the world we live in – sometimes we hear of differences through news and other media outlets and sometimes we are given the opportunity to talk with others who live those experiences, but the best of all is being able to immerse ourselves in those experiences.

Hiking Gowlland Tod Provincial Park
Let’s go for a hike! Our destination… Gowlland Tod Provincial Park!

UVic, First Peoples House: A home away from home
Welcome to the House! The UVic First Peoples House is a home away from home for many in the Indigenous community. A beautiful space that holds a heart-warming importance.

Ask questions, and open your mind to new possibilities... Do this, and it just might amaze you how much you learn about yourself and the world around you.